Jonathan Tittler writes to Zapata Olivella about the possibility of translating his works into English. This is his first mention of the possibility of translating Zapata Olivella’s works, though he expresses his preference to translate “una de las novelas más cortas (porque traducen y se leen más rápidamente y así se publican con mayor facilidad); tal vez "Chambacú: Corral de negros" o "Tierra mojada" (prefiero la primera, que es más madura e interesante desde una perspectiva literaria).” [“one of the shorter novels (because they are more easily translated and read and are therefore easier to publish); perhaps "Chambacú: Corral de negros" or "Tierra mojada"(I prefer the first one, which is more mature and interesting from a literary perspective)”].
From: Tittler, Jonathan, 1945-