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71 records found where subject: Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas. showing records 31 - 45.
Full Record Document Type Document Date Title Language Brief Description PDF
Letter July 05, 1990 letter to Campos Spanish In this letter to José Campos Davila, from the Instituto de Investigaciones Afroperuanas (INAPE), Manuel Zapata Olivella urges him to stay in touch as they prepare for the fourth Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1991, Paris, France). PDF icon
Letter September 19, 1990 Letter from Gansemans Spanish Dr. Jos Gansemands, from the Koninklijk Museum voor Midden-Afrika, writes to Manuel Zapata Olivella expressing his wish to take part in the fourth Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1991, Paris, France). PDF icon
Letter October 09, 1990 letter to Doueb Spanish Manuel Zapata Olivella writes to Rafael Doueb, President of the Fondation Danielle Miterrand, about details of fourth Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas, to which the foundation gave financial support. PDF icon
Letter October 26, 1990 letter to Mandela Spanish Manuel Zapata Olivella invites South African activist Winnie Mandela to participate in the fourth Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas, which would meet in 1991 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. PDF icon
Letter October 26, 1990 letter to Verger Spanish Manuel Zapata Olivella writes to Franco-Brazilian intellectual Pierre Verger with information on the fourth Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas, which would meet in 1991 at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. PDF icon
Letter January 04, 1992 letter to Nascimento Spanish Manuel Zapata Olivella writes about issues interfering with the realization of the fourth Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas. PDF icon
Letter March 12, 1996 letter to Lewis Spanish Manuel Zapata Olivella writes about the possibility of convening the fourht Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas in Brazil. PDF icon
Letter November 06, 1990 letter from Nascimento Spanish Abdias do Nascimento writes to Manuel Zapata Olivella with organizational information regarding the fourth Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas. For related documents, consult Abdias Nascimento’s archival collection, housed by the Afro-Brazilian Studies and Research Institute (IPEAFRO), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PDF icon
Publication [1990] Congress of African Culture in the Americas - Call for Regional Meeting English This document is the call to a regional North American preparatory meeting for the fourth Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1991, Paris, France). For other related documents, consult Abdias Nascimento’s archival collection, housed at the Afro-Brazilian Studies and Research Institute (IPEAFRO), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PDF icon
Letter November 21, 1978 letter from Nascimento Portuguese Abdias do Nascimento thanks Manuel Zapata Olivella for sending him a copy of the Resolutions of the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1977, Cali, Colombia). For related documents, consult Abdias Nascimento’s archival collection, housed by the Afro-Brazilian Studies and Research Institute (IPEAFRO), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PDF icon
Document [January 01, 1977] registration form from Nascimento Spanish Registration form from Brazilian artist and intellectual Abdias do Nascimento to attend the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1977, Cali, Colombia). For related documents, consult Abdias Nascimento’s archival collection, housed at the Afro-Brazilian Studies and Research Institute (IPEAFRO), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PDF icon
Letter August 01, 1976 letter from Nascimento Spanish This is a letter from Brazilian artist and scholar Abdias do Nascimento, congratulating the organizers of the Primer Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (1977, Cali, Colombia) on their initiative to promote black culture in the continent. This letter marks the beginning of a fruitful correspondence between Nascimento and Manuel Zapata Olivella. For related documents, consult Abdias Nascimento’s archival collection, housed by the Afro-Brazilian Studies and Research Institute (IPEAFRO), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil PDF icon
Letter January 03, 1991 letter to Santos Spanish Manuel Zapata Olivella writes to Brazilian writer and historian Joel Rufino dos Santos informing him about the postponement of the fourth Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas. PDF icon
Letter December 06, 1990 letter to Nascimento Spanish In this letter to Abdias do Nascimento, Manuel Zapata Olivella poses the possibility of postponing the fourth Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas due to heightened airfare prices caused by the Gulf crisis. PDF icon
Letter August 28, 1990 letter to Canetti-Echevarria Spanish Manuel Zapata Olivella writes to Mildred Canetti-Echevarría, Director at the Departamento de Cultura, providing further information on the fourth Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas. PDF icon
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