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6 records found where subject: Lewis, Marvin A. . showing records 1 - 6.
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Letter February 13, 1986 letter from Lewis Spanish Lewis writes to Zapata Olivella to congratulate him on the receipt of the Prêmio Literário "Francisco Matarazzo Sobrinho - Ficção Latino-Americana." He also includes a book review of "Changó, el gran putas" written by Captain-Hidalgo and published in the journal "Hispamérica." PDF icon
Letter January 15, 1992 letter to Lewis Spanish Zapata Olivella writes to Marvin A. Lewis to inform him that the IV Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas will not take place in 1993 as planned. He also mentions that the French translation of "Changó, el gran putas" was published as "Changó, de sacré dieu" by Miroirs. PDF icon
Letter February 21, 1989 letter from Lewis Spanish Marvin A. Lewis writes to Zapata Olivella to request a copy of his latest novel, "¡Levántate, mulato! Por mi raza hablará el espíritu" (1990) and to inquire about Zapata Olivella's plans to travel to the United States. PDF icon
Letter November 12, 1984 Letter from Tittler Spanish Jonathan Tittler writes to Zapata Olivella about the possibility of translating his works into English. This is his first mention of the possibility of translating Zapata Olivella’s works, though he expresses his preference to translate “una de las novelas más cortas (porque traducen y se leen más rápidamente y así se publican con mayor facilidad); tal vez "Chambacú: Corral de negros" o "Tierra mojada" (prefiero la primera, que es más madura e interesante desde una perspectiva literaria).” [“one of the shorter novels (because they are more easily translated and read and are therefore easier to publish); perhaps "Chambacú: Corral de negros" or "Tierra mojada"(I prefer the first one, which is more mature and interesting from a literary perspective)”]. PDF icon
Publication letter from Lewis English Marvin A. Lewis sends Zapata Olivella a draft of his paper "Rebellion in Selected Works of Manuel Zapata Olivella." PDF icon
Letter September 30, 1994 letter from Tittler Spanish Jonathan Tittler writes to Zapata Olivella about his progress translating "Changó, el gran putas" (1983) and for clarification of terms found on pages 373-448. Tittler also discusses the possibility of enlisting Marvin A. Lewis, the editor of the "Afro-Hispanic Review," to help publish an English translation of "Changó, el gran putas." Tittler also notes that his bone marrow transplant has been successful and that his health continues to improve. PDF icon