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15 records found where subject: Prescott, Laurence E. . showing records 1 - 15.
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Letter July 25, 1996 letter from Prescott Spanish Laurence Prescott writes to Zapata Olivella to regretfully inform him that ALARA was not able to secure funds for his travel to their upcoming conference in Salvador da Bahía, Brazil. He also mentions that Penn State will invite Zapata Olivella as a guest speaker to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the novel "Tierra Mojada." PDF icon
Letter July 25, 1977 letter to Prescott Spanish Zapata Olivella writes to Laurence Prescott about his upcoming article in "Letras Hispánicas" on "El Negro en la Literatura Colombiana." Zapata Olivella also writes that he is almost finished with his novel "Changó, el gran putas." Moreover, he notes positive reception regarding the upcoming Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas. PDF icon
Letter May 27, 1981 letter from Prescott Spanish Laurence Prescott writes to Zapata Olivella about finishing his doctoral thesis and Zapata Olivella's forthcoming novel, "Changó, el gran putas." PDF icon
Letter October 15, 1996 letter to Prescott Spanish Zapata Olivella writes to Laurence E. Prescott regarding the planning for the IV Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Arnéricas (Chicago, IL). Zapata Olivella suggests W.E.B. DuBois as the unifying topic. Zapata Oivella also mentions his views regarding several articles about Afro-Hispanic identity. PDF icon
Letter May 23, 1990 Letter from Prescott Spanish In a handwritten letter, Laurence E. Prescott writes to Zapata Olivella about plans and travel arrangements for the upcoming Congreso de la Cultura Negra de las Américas (Paris, France). PDF icon
Letter May 25, 1990 Letter from Tittler Spanish Jonathan Tittler writes to Zapata Olivella regarding his impressions of "Hemingway, el cazador de la muerte" (1993). He believes the novel is important, but is afraid that it will have little appeal as a "best seller." Tittler notes that he has asked his colleague José Piedras to read the novel as well. Finally, Tittler mentions his Fulbright application and Prescott's pending visit to Paris. PDF icon
Letter July 24, 1989 Letter from Prescott Spanish In this letter, Laurence Prescott tells Manuel Zapata Olivella about his visit to Bogotá (Colombia). Among other things, he mentions Jonathan Tittler's translation of Zapata Olivella's "Changó, el gran putas." PDF icon
Letter August 27, 1992 letter from Prescott Spanish Laurence Prescott writes to Manuel Zapata Olivella accepting the invitation to participate in an upcoming conference in Colombia. His paper would be titled "Reclaiming the Ancestral Heritage: Africa in the Poetry of Jorge Artel." PDF icon
Letter October 17, 1992 letter from Prescott Spanish Laurence E. Prescott writes to Manuel Zapata Olivella expressing gratitude for his help in securing Prescott's presence in the Coloquio: contribución africana a la cultura de las Américas (Bogotá, Colombia, 1992). He also mentions having seen the latest edition of Zapata Olivella's "Changó, el gran putas" displayed in a bookstore in Bogotá (Colombia), and asks for information regarding its French translation. PDF icon
Letter May 13, 1987 letter from Prescott Spanish Laurence Prescott writes to Manuel Zapata Olivella congratulating him on the publication of "El fusilamiento del diablo." Prescott also shares personal anecdotes, including his upcoming academic obligations and family vacation plans. PDF icon
Letter August 09, 1983 letter from Prescott Spanish Laurence Prescott writes to Zapata Olivella to confirm receipt of the copy of "Changó, el gran putas" as well as to plan Zapata Olivella's upcoming visit to the University of Kentucky in September of 1983. Prescott also mentions his own work on Candelario Obeso and the anniversary of "Pasión vagabunda" and "Las estrellas son negras," both published in 1949. PDF icon
Letter September 11, 1982 letter from Prescott Spanish Laurence Prescott writes to Zapata Olivella to seek his advice and connections regarding the possibility of publishing his book-length study of Candelario Obeso. Prescott also mentions the publication of Zapata Olivella's poems in the "Afro-Hispanic Review" as well as his inclusion in a bibliography of black writers by Richard Jackson. PDF icon
Letter August 06, 1992 letter from Prescott Spanish In this letter to Manuel Zapata Olivella, Laurence Prescott announces his engagement and invites the Zapata family for the upcoming wedding in Albuquerque, New Mexico, in January of 1993. Prescott also informs Zapata Olivella about an upcoming conference on Afro-Hispanic literature at the University of Missouri-Columbia, in March, 1993. PDF icon
Letter September 01, 1992 letter from Prescott Spanish Laurence E. Prescott writes to Manuel Zapata Olivella that he has not yet received a letter from COLCULTURA (Instituto Colombiano de Cultura) regarding his travel arrangements to attend a conference in Spain. PDF icon
Letter June 06, 1988 letter from Prescott Spanish Laurence E. Prescott writes to Zapata Olivella about the upcoming North American Association of Colombianists and his possible participation as a panelist on the poetry of Jorge Artel. Prescott also discusses the translation work of Jonathan Tittler and the possibility of collaborating with Zapata Olivella on an anthology about the African presence in Latin American literature. PDF icon